LAMPS Principal Investigator

Prahalada Rao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech
Dr. Rao's scholastic passion is captured in three words: Manufacturing, Sensing, and Analytics. He was awarded the 2018 NSF CAREER grant for sensor-based monitoring and control of additive manufacturing processes. He earned the 2017 Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Yoram Koren Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, and the 2019 UNL College of Engineering Research and Creativity Award. He has over 50 peer-reviewed publications in flag-ship journals, such as the ASME Transactions, IEEE Transactions, IIE Transactions. His research has garnered over $ 2 million in funding from federal agencies, including NSF, DOE, and Office of Naval Research.

Ph.D., Industrial Engineering; Oklahoma State University (2013)
M.S., Industrial Engineering; Oklahoma State University (2006)
B.Eng. degree (First Class) Production Engineering, Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute (VJTI), Bombay University, India (2003)
- Outstanding Reviewer, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2018
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, 2017.
- Finalist: IIE Manufacturing and Design Division Young Investigator Award, 2016
- Nominated for Institute of Industrial Engineers, Pritsker Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2014
- Nominated for university-wide Dissertation Award, 2013
- Finalist, Institute of Industrial Engineers, John L. Imhoff graduate fellowship,2011
- Outstanding Research Assistant Award, Alpha Pi Mu, Oklahoma State University chapter, 2008
- National Science Foundation – CMMI 1752069, CAREER: Smart Additive Manufacturing: Fundamental Research in Sensing, Data Science, and Modeling Toward Zero Part Defects. 2018-2023
- National Science Foundation – CMMI 1739696, CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Enabled Online Quality Assurance for Scalable Additive Bio-Manufacturing. 2017-2021
- National Science Foundation – CMMI 1719388, Biosensor Data Fusion for Real-time Monitoring of Global Neurophysiological Function. 2015 - 2018
Current Graduate Students

Ben Bevans
Expected Graduation Date: August 2023.

Alexander Reinsche
Expected Graduation Date: August 2023.